Language is a powerful and inspiring tool. It allows you to express yourself and communicate in a way that others can understand you. Some words in particular are naturally meant to motivate us, whether it’s the word itself that resonates with you, or the meaning behind it that inspires something in you.
The English language is full of inspiring words. Here are my favourite 26 letters of inspiration from A to Z.
A is for Appreciation.
Inspiration can come from being more intentional about showing appreciation. Spend a couple extra minutes during a sunset to really take in the cotton candy skies. Listen intently as the people you meet for the first time share their story.
Step back and show appreciation for the things that cross your path today and see whether new perspectives or ideas are inspired.
B is for Balance
Life is all about balance. Knowing when to hold on and when to let go; when to keep going and when to rest. It requires awareness.
When we’re out of balance, we tend to prioritize things that are not as important. Creating balance is about practicing moderation with everything in your life- your job, your personal life, your relationships with others and yourself.
Find balance and you’ll fuel your inspiration. Too much of anything is not a good thing, keep that in mind.
C is for Create.
Sometimes you look for inspiration to create something, but other times, the creating process will inspire new ideas and motivate you to do other things that interest you.
We’re all content creators in our own way. Take time to work on your own passion projects.
D is for Dream.
What’s one thing you dream about doing, but have made little to no strides to accomplish? That once in a lifetime trip to Europe isn’t going to book itself!
Think of the big picture and endless possibilities. Dream big, aim high, and get inspired.
E is for Energy.
When you’re physically and mentally tired, it can be really challenging to think about anything other than sleep. You need the energy to be able to think about creative ideas.
If you’re feeling exhausted, prioritize self-care activities. Get rest, eat well and exercise to make sure your body and mind is prepared to get inspired.
F is for Focus.
Distractions are everywhere. If you’re looking to get inspiration, especially for a specific area, you need to focus.
Set boundaries, limit the content you consume, including news and social media usage, and pay attention to what truly matters to you.
G is for Gratitude.
If you’re ever feeling stuck, try practicing gratitude. In this fast-paced world, we continuously chase new things, that we tend to forget all the amazing things we already have.
Think about all the things in your life that you are grateful for and see if your thoughts bring new ideas into fruition.
H is for Happiness.
Isn’t happiness one common state of emotional well-being we are all striving for in our lives? Life may have its ups and downs, but inspiration can come from moments of pure bliss.
The next time you feel happy, make note of why. You may have a revelation.
I is for Imagination.
One of the keys to inspiration is your imagination. When you use your imagination to think of ideas or creative concepts, you can get inspired to turn that idea into reality.
Kids are masters at using their imagination. If you really want to see things from a different perspective, spend some time with a kid. It can be refreshing to see things from a child’s eyes.
J is for Joy.
When you’re doing something that brings you joy, you tend to feel like you’re ‘in the zone’. While you’re in this state, this is the optimal time for you to inspire new ideas.
What brings you joy? Make plans to do something you enjoy this weekend.
K is for Kindness.
Being kind to others can not only bring smiles to peoples’ faces, but it often inspires more kindness! Think of the last time someone acted out of kindness to you. It probably made you want to repay the gesture.
Unexpected kindness, like paying for someone’s coffee in the drive-through, is one of my favourites. You never know who’s day you are making by doing something kind.
L is for Laughter.
There’s a reason people say laughter is the best medicine. Sometimes we’re just not feeling it. Maybe we feel blah or simply uninspired.
When I’m looking for a good laugh, I love putting on a comedy podcast, sitcom or movie. Laughing can not only help relieve your stress, but it can also help improve your quality of life.
M is for Mindset.
The mind is a fascinating thing. Over the years, I’ve learned that we may not have control over what happens in our lives, but we do have control over our mindset. How you think of something or perceive a situation.
It’s inevitable we will all experience times that aren’t so positive, but the key is to focus on the elements within our control. Learn from each experience and try to make the best in any situation, even if it can be challenging.
N is for Now.
This very moment in time. In this case, you’re reading this sentence and hopefully thinking, “Wow, I’m really inspired by these 26 letters of inspiration”. 🙂
Sometimes it helps to bring yourself to the present moment. Stop thinking about the past or the future and just pay attention to what you are feeling right now.
O is for Open.
If you want to attract new ideas, you need to be open to different ways of doing things. Not everything has one answer.
Embrace curiosity, step outside your comfort zone and learn to see things from multiple perspectives.
P is for Patience.
Inspiration doesn’t always come when you want it to. You can’t just turn it on like a switch. Sometimes it takes time, and for that reason, patience is key.
If you’re looking to spark inspiration, give yourself time and space to get your creative juices flowing, so you can develop new ideas.
Q is for Quiet.
Sometimes you just need silence…
A quiet environment, free from distractions allows you to be alone with your thoughts. When you’re in a relaxed state of mind, you’re able to have some of the most creative insights.
There’s a reason why people say that the shower is where you can get some of your best ideas!
R is for Resilience.
Life isn’t perfect. We all go through challenges. What’s inspiring is resilience – when you keep going, build confidence and grow stronger as you face obstacles in your life.
Whether it’s the resilience of someone you know or your own, think about how you or that person pushed through the hard times to get to where they are today.
S is for Success.
Many people are driven by success. If you’re like me, you probably thrive on reaching the goals you set out for yourself.
Another way to get inspired is through admiring people who accomplish their goals. Think of someone you admire who’s determination to achieve something sparked something in you.
For me, the success of people I know is what inspired me to start my ‘Inspired by’ series. Check out my conversations with Poorva Misra Miller, Deejay T-Jr. and Lila Micevska to learn about their individual journeys to success.
T is for Trust.
Our plans don’t always work out the way we intended or hoped, but having trust that life is unfolding as it should be takes away worries. It also helps you find peace during challenging times.
Trust in the timing of your life and believe that things are falling into place for you.
U is for Uplift.
These days, it seems the majority of news we see is negative. This can leave us feeling emotionally exhausted and drained.
If you’re ever feeling this way, one thing that can help is being more intentional about consuming content that is meant to uplift you. Instead of tuning into traditional news outlets, check out platforms dedicated to sharing positive content. Some of my favourite IG accounts are Upworthy and Good News Movement. Get that daily dose of inspiration that will uplift your spirits.
V is for Vision.
When you have a vision of how you want something to turn out, it can leave you feeling inspired.
For me, my vision of building a platform I could call my own and share things that inspire me led me to creating my website.
Hone in on your vision and make it your reality.
W is for Wonder.
Your sense of wonder inspires exploration. When you embrace curiosity, you’re compelled to ask questions- “Why are things the way they are?” or “How does that work?”.
Wonder can give you energy and purpose in life. It allows you to cultivate a discovery mindset and look at ordinary things with a new light.
Try it for yourself. Try looking at the world more closely, beyond the obvious, and see if it inspires something new in you.
X is for Xena.
Not gonna lie- not many inspiring X words came to mind as I was writing this one. However, if you remember Xena, the Warrior Princess, you may agree that she can be considered an inspiring woman.
Xena may not be real, but along with superheroes that we find fascinating, fictional characters can inspire us because they may embody qualities that we strive to have ourselves.
Y is for Yes.
It’s easy to say ‘no’ to things that make us feel uncomfortable, but sometimes saying ‘yes’ to opportunities that scare us can be more rewarding than you could have ever imagined.
Some of the best decisions I have made in my life came from saying ‘yes’, even though I was nervous about making the right decision. Say yes.
Z is for Zest.
Do you have a zest for life? Ultimate inspiration can come from cultivating enthusiasm for your life as a whole.
Life is short. Get inspired while you’re here.